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I’ve Been at Rock 108 for 7 Years Today….Ain’t That Some S***

By Ned Nov 2, 2022 | 12:09 PM

How the hell has it been that long?

Ok no joke, I seriously thought I have lived in Iowa for 6 years….but according to Facebook Memories? I have been here for 7 years…how the hell did I make that mistake? But hey, what are you gonna do.

Man, a lot has happened in 7 years hasn’t it? I mean just the station alone, when I got hired here in 2015 from Michigan, I had no idea what I was in for. I had never MOVED for a job before, and asking my wife if this is something that she wanted to do was a WHOLE ‘NOTHER ball game. At the time, I was hired by Michael Cross, JP was the morning show, Eric Graves was the fill guy for the time as Karly Rhodes left, and then there is this dorky late 29 year old guy that showed up in your afternoons.

It was a rough first year though…we got an apartment that sucked, $750 per month, my wife left her dream job to chase my radio dream, and we had no idea if we were going to make it….we had a bed, used an air mattress as a couch, watched a lot of That 70’s Show, and baked potatoes were cheap and effective. Katie drove to Cedar Rapids from Waterloo for her job at insanely early hours and then come home basically just to go to bed….long story short? It sucked…..reeeeeallllly bad.

I thought, ‘What the hell did I do? Why are we doing this? Is this going to work?’

Long story short, it did…we stuck it out…things got rough for Katie and I on multiple levels with money, mental health, etc…but we eventually got it working, it just took a lot of time and effort.

7 years later, I’m still here….with a house, baby daughter, one on the way, wonderful wife, and you wonderful people who kept listening.

We still eat baked potatoes though….that shit is delicious.