Cola wars always interest me.
The battle between Coke and Pepsi has always fascinated me. Each one trying to come out with their own version of the other persons product…Coke to Pepsi, Mountain Dew to Mellow Yello, Barqs to Mug….branding at its finest. Coke’s Sprite though has always been a heavy hitter, and Pepsi answered it with Sierra Mist in the late 90’s and it lasted…alllll the way….until today.
Pepsi has announced that Sierra Mist will be officially discontinued and replaced with ‘Starry.’ Which according to some Tweeters, taste pretty much like Sprite.
I really like the early days of Sierra Mist, I would drink it on an occasion! However during its life cycle, it went through so many changes…and the last time I had one I nearly threw it away cause it was so bad.
When it comes to Lemon Lime sodas though? I gotta go with 7-Up….or if I can find it? Faygo Twist.