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Blockbuster….Yes….THAT Blockbuster is Showing a Super Bowl Ad

By Ned Feb 1, 2023 | 12:24 PM

Better Than Bacon / CC

Can we make it a Blockbuster night again?

I have mentioned countless times about how I long for the days of renting movie and video games. There was just something special about heading to the store, walking down aisles and aisles of movies and video games and making that ULTIMATE choice for the weekend. But due to the digital world, places like that are all but obsolete….the biggest one being Blockbuster.

Something odd is happening though, as my generation that grew up with that experience now longs for it again and lives in its warm nostalgia so much that social media continues to share memories of it….and I guess there has been so much impact that the brand that refuses to die Blockbuster….might be trying to make a return somehow.

Posted on their Bend, Oregon Instagram page is the announcement of what seems like an ad that will broadcast on SUPER BOWL SUNDAY!

What….could this mean? Could we see the return of the brand we all loved? Is it just some crazy spoof? Is the fact that a cockroach means that it’s entirely hard to KILL a cockroach? I have so many questions.

Of all the ads that fork out millions for Super Bowl ad time? This peaks my interest.