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10 Signs You’re Still a Kid at Heart

By Ned Jul 7, 2023 | 12:30 PM

I’m 36 years old, have 2 kids, a wife, 2 cars, and a mortgage.

I’m a very fortunate adult….but I LOVE video games, old toys, TV shows from the 90’s, and stuff I did when I was kid. Apparently this makes me a ‘KIDULT!’ I do my adult things, but on the inside, I still get excited for playing Super Mario All-Stars on my ORIGINAL SUPER NINTENDO! Yes, I still have basically everything….

Maybe you’re like me though…you still love that stuff. In a new poll from MGA’s Miniverse, 4 in 10 KIDULTS splurge on toys they never had as kids….I….am one of those. Think you are one? Here are the Top 10 signs you are…

  1. You re-watch a lot of old movies or shows from your childhood.

2.  You still watch cartoons.

3.  You’re frequently nostalgic for old toys or products from when you were a kid.

4.  You quote movies and shows from when you were young.

5.  You’ve found yourself googling old toys or products from your youth.

6.  You still wear clothes that would have been in style back then, or t-shirts with nostalgic references.

7.  You still have your old video games.

8.  You display at least one childhood toy in your home or office.

9.  You’d rather stay in and play board games than go out to eat, or hit a bar.

10.  You’ve bought your kids at least one toy you had as a child.

Well…I’m basically all of those.

Whether you enjoy watching you sports or maybe you enjoy looking up the value of a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Technodrome from the 90’s….whatever makes ya happy dude.