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Streaming Is Starting to Get a Bit TOO Expensive & Overwhelming

By Ned Sep 26, 2023 | 1:36 PM

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As someone who ingests a lot of media, streaming is starting to get a bit….much?

How many do you have….Disney +, Hulu, Netflix, Paramount, HBO Max, Peacock, Shutter, FreeVee, Amazon Prime, like….holy crap man right? That’s a lot of streaming stuff…and honestly? It’s getting to be a bit much with a bit too much to watch.

Clearly I am an outsider here cause it’s the ‘way to go’ these days, but when I was at Electric Playground in Waterloo this past weekend, my friend mentioned he is trying to collect all ‘The Office’ season on DVD cause ‘You never know when it’ll just disappear from streaming!’ And….he’s right….look at Seinfeld for example, started as a Hulu exclusive, then went to Netflix. F.R.I.E.N.Ds is on HBO Max, but eventually will probably go to Peacock, same with Big Bang Theory! Rights will be tossed around, another will try to get the series on this and that…and as the consumer? It’s frustrating, cause here you are, downloading another service and paying more and more for the SAME SHIT!!!

Let’s also point out that these services are getting incredibly expensive. Ask yourself, how many shows/movies do you actually watch on a streaming service? Does ONE show justify $15 a month? Especially if it’s an older show that you’ve seen 2000 times. Start piling them up and you’ve got a hefty bill of the same stuff you continue to watch. By the way, $15 a month for 12 months and I only watch 1 show…..$180 FOR ONE SHOW!?! Oh and another thing….pay more for no commercials!?! I get it, they’re annoying, but you are literally paying someone for YOUR time….gotchya there didn’t they.

Well, I ‘Password Share’ with friends! Netflix has already proved that they can control that and Disney/Hulu is gonna launch the same thing next year…leaving YOU to foot the bill if you want instead of sharing with your friends. Guess what, companies want their money and they will do whatever they can to get it regardless of your feelings.

A report came out the Target is soon getting rid of DVD’s, Blu-Rays. and CD’s…make sense, more and more people are streaming and it’s convenient as all hell. Here is the thing though, DVD’s & Blu-Rays are incredibly inexpensive right now simply cause no one wants them! I can just get it on streaming right?….but what happens when say a big box stop selling them? Then suddenly demand starts to increase cause ‘We don’t have it anymore!’ People that love the retro-way get in on it, values go up, then your complete set of Seinfeld on DVD is suddenly worth hundreds cause Hulu dropped it due to rights being transferred.

I don’t think this will happen tomorrow, far from it…but I’ve seen this trend hundreds of times whether it be clothing, video games, and even soda (Surge anyone?) We suddenly want to watch my favorite show! Oh it’s not on streaming? Maybe I can find a DVD….Oh it’s hard to find and jacked up prices by $1000?

Hold on to those DVD’s folks, having a backup copy is always a solid idea, especially when you only paid a couple bucks for Season 1 of The Big Band Theory instead of $180 per freakin’ year.