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Ned's Coffee & Quarantine with Psychostick!

By Tim Martin Jun 18, 2020 | 3:29 PM

This isn’t just a new episode….it’s a sandwich.

Psychostick fans will get that reference, but chances are if you clicked this episode, then you are a fan of a the band! Lead singer and fellow gamer geek Rawb of Psychostick is my latest guest on Ned’s Coffee & Quarantine!

I have been listening to the band since God knows when…it was even one of those bands that my wife and I bonded over before we got married, and is also one of the FIRST concerts I ever saw in the state of Iowa! Rawb was a great guy and a lot of fun to talk too, but what can a band that was set and ready to head out on tour then told they had to CANCEL everything and stay home? Quite a bit!

Here is what you can hear about in the latest episode:

  • Rawb reacts to classic video games
  • How does the band perform on Twitch during quarantine and the immaculate sound they get?
  • Getting involved with the James Rolfe (aka Angry Video Game Nerd)
  • The evolution of Rawb’s crazy spike hat
  • Rawb’s sweet Triforce tattoos

There is a lot to listen to here, and never forget….to obey the beard.

I love this video, so I better share this one of their MANY great videos and songs.