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3 Strange Amazon Prime Day Deals I Found

By Tim Martin Oct 13, 2020 | 12:49 PM

Amazon Prime Day is upon us!

A day where Jeff Bezos becomes even more of a billionaire giving us deals that just fills his pockets even more so he can buy another island somewhere probably in the actual Amazon!

Prime Day is loaded with thousands of deals that Prime Members all flock too, and since we refuse to go out and buy stuff? It’s prime time for prime day! But every single year, I always look at Prime Day as the time Amazon gets to flush out the garbage that they cannot sell…very similar to Cyber Monday. I gotta say, I’m kinda impressed with Prime Day today…there really isn’t much garbage! But I did find a couple.

Go to the doctor and they look into your ear? Now you can do it yourself and see the grossness that is you waxed up ear with the convenience of your phone! This fine gadget will cost you about $40 and you can gross out your friends by looking into your disgusting ass ear. I love how the listing shows your examples.

Maybe I just don’t get essential oils or whatever, but hey….if you want your Prius to smell like lavender or whatever? Then this is for you! Maybe you’re that type of person who needs this type of thing, not really my thing though. Just get one of those Febreze things. Only $14! However, if I see one of my friends with one of these things in their car, I’m gonna toss it out the window and punch them in the face while driving.

Do you still burn DVDs and CDs? Probably not thanks to the world of streaming…but chances are that your PC or Mac already has some kind of software for free. Roxio burning software has been around for ages, but seriously? This one is kind of a stretch…there are some practical uses for it..

I think Cyber Monday is when they REALLY dig deep, so I’ll be back in a couple months with junk I found on Cyber Monday.